Educator and Parent
I spent my performing years teaching drama as my “day job” and learned immeasurable amounts from teaching an incredibly diverse tapestry of learners. Honing an understanding of how lived experience can impact how one sees the world, I created and refined curriculum to meet my different learners wherever they were at. In 2020, when we were seeing many unarmed Black citizens getting killed by police, I created a virtual racial justice camp that spanned the ages of 3 - 18 years old that has been utilized by hundreds of families and educators. As a parent, I have been active in socializing my children around the many inequities in society and the ways in which we can be active in dismantling systemic oppression. In 2019, I took my kids (at the ages of 8 and 11) on a truth and reconciliation tour of the South, where we visited Montgomery, Selma, Birmingham, Jackson and New Orleans. We visited countless museums, historical sites, activist art spaces and cultural centers to examine our privilege and face our bloody history. I count it as the single best thing I’ve ever done for my children.